Refunds & Returns

We value your feedback at The Hamper Galleria. If you have changed your mind or received a faulty item, email us at with your order number and reason for return within 14 days of receiving your package.

Change of Mind

If you have changed your mind about your purchase, a refund/exchange can be offered provided that the item is in a saleable condition (i.e the item is in its original packaging if any) and unused. 

Customers are responsible for the return postage and the original postage is not refundable.

Faulty Items

As a consumer, you are entitled to the benefit of statutory consumer guarantees in respect of items or services purchased from The Hamper Galleria. If you believe an item or services is faulty, not of acceptable quality, does not match the description provided or is not fit for purpose, you may be entitled to a remedy under the Australian or New Zealand Consumer Law. However these consumer guarantees do not apply where the item was damaged due to abnormal use or misuse.

Where you believe an item is faulty, it may be necessary for us to send the item to the manufacturer or their service agent for it to be assessed. In accordance with Australian or New Zealand Consumer Law, if the failure is minor, we may repair the item (or, at our discretion, we may replace the item or refund you) within a reasonable time. If the item or service has a major failure, you may reject it and seek a refund or replacement, or you may keep the item and seek compensation for any drop in the value. These consumer guarantees apply to items or services and may be impacted by the type and age and nature of the item.

The Hamper Galleria is to cover return postage for returns of faulty items.

All online purchases are returned via post after getting in touch with our online customer service team within 14 days of receiving your package.